Ahmad Jafar Arifi
Special Postdoctoral Researcher (SPDR),
Few-Body Systems in Physics Lab, RIKEN (Main)
2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama, Japan 315-0198
E-mail: ahmad.arifi[at]riken.jp
Southeast Asian Workshop on Nuclear and Hadron Physics
Date: August 19–21, 2025
Location: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Website: https://indico.global/event/13949/
About me
Greetings! I am a theoretical physicist with expertise in nuclear hadron physics. I earned my undergraduate degree in the physics department of Universitas Indonesia, working under the guidance of Prof. Terry Mart. Subsequently, I moved to Osaka University to pursue a Ph.D. in physics, where I had the privilege of working with Prof. Atsushi Hosaka to study heavy baryon decays in the quark model. I also had the opportunity to complete an internship at JAEA for six months to work with Belle experimentalists. Though my graduation coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic, I was fortunate enough to secure a position at APCTP. There I have been conducting research on the light-front quark model, with the guidance of Prof. Chueng-Ryong Ji and other professors. Currently I am working at RIKEN.

My research
My research is mainly focused on hadron physics, with a particular interest in hadron spectroscopy, reactions, and structure, as well as hadrons in matter. I have experience using various models, such as the effective Lagrangian approach, chiral quark model, light-front quark model, and quark-meson coupling (QMC) model. One of my main areas of interest is the Dalitz plot analysis, which I have employed to investigate hadron resonances. Furthermore, I am intrigued by the light-front quark model, which provides a relativistic approach to studying hadron structure. As a lifelong learner, I am always eager to acquire new knowledge and expand my research interests in the vast field of hadron physics.
You can also visit my profile in Inspire-HEP.
Research Interests
- Atsushi Hosaka (Ph.D. Advisor)
- Chueng-Ryong Ji
- Daiki Suenaga
- Daris Samart
- Hideko Nagahiro
- Ho-Meoyng Choi
- Kazuo Tsushima
- Kiyoshi Tanida
- Lucas Happ
- Makoto Oka
- Muhammad Ridwan
- Muhammad Fauzan Syahbana
- Nantana Monkata
- Nongnaphat Ponkhuha
- Parada T. P. Hutauruk
- Prin Sawasdipol
- Ratirat Suntharawirat
- Samson Clymton
- Shuhei Ohno
- Terry Mart (B.S. Advisor)
- Yongseok Oh